Learning objectives
To describeUS and CT characteristic findings of gossypibomas,since it is a real,
current and preventable problem,
underdiagnosed by the scarce material reported in the literature.
Establish the differential diagnosis to optimize medical management and treatment.
Gossypiboma is the term used to describe amass of cotton matrix left behindin some body cavity,
aftera surgical procedure(4)(5).
It can also be named as textiloma or cottonoid.(3)
It is a rare surgical complication.(12)(7) The most frequent retention sites are the abdomen,
the pelvis or thethorax,but it is possible to identify them in any body cavity.
there is no real data on the incidence of this entity; but it is believed that ithappens in 1/100 to 1/5000 of all the surgical interventions and 1/1000...
Findings and procedure details
Definition and etymology.
Gossypiboma is anon-medical term that refers toall nonabsorbable material,
which has been left behind in some body cavity,after a surgical procedure.Thematrix is composed of cotton,
and is associated with tissue inflamatory reaction.(12)
The term Gossypiboma derives from the Latin ¨gossypium¨ meaning "cotton," and from theSwahili¨boma¨ meaning "place where it is hidden"(1)(2).
Also,the suffix ¨oma¨means tumoror growth(2).For someEnglish-speaking authors the designation of gossypiboma means a tumor that gives rise to gossip,
as it gives rise to comments on the ability of the surgeon(9)....
The Gossypiboma is a subregistered and inexcusable event that represents a real problem,
because it rises themorbility of the surgery,
resulting in even death if it is not detected and solve promptly.
It is difficult to estimate the real incidence of the gossypibomas,
due to the low report,
given the medical-legal implications that can cause.
The diagnosis of a gossypiboma is not easy.The clinical presentation and the imaging findings of the gossypibomas arevariable and simulate other pathologies such astumors or abscesses.(4)
The low rate...
Personal information
Hospital de Trauma y Emergencias.
Federico Abete.
Malvinas Argentinas.Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.
Grettel Gissel Leal Hernandez,Dra.
Maria Fernanda Mendoza Amaya,Dr.
Macdonal Alexis Bastidas Armero,Dr.
Gustavo Alejandro Averanga Ticona,Dr.
Andres Davis Carbonell Torres:Residents in training.
Julieta CrostaChief of Ultrasound Department
Adrián Felipe Parra CatañoChief Resident.
Fernando Abramzon.Chief of Radiology Department.
Contact e-mail:
[email protected]
Contact e-mail:
[email protected]
Motta Ramirez G,
Gonzalez O et al.
Material quirúrgico olvidado: Gossypiboma,
gasoma.Anales de Radiología México 2007; 4:285-296.
Manzella A,
Filho PB,
Albuquerque E et al.Imaging of Gossypibomas: Pictorial Review.
American Journal of Roentgenology.
2009;193:(6_supplement): S94-101
Hosni M,
Safty A et al.Gossypiboma revisited: A never ending issue.
International journal of surgery Case reports.
19 (2016) 87-91.
Abaeté das Chagas Neto F,
Moraes P,
et al.
Imaging findings of abdominal Gossypibomas.
Radiol Brasvol.45no.1São PauloJan./Feb.2012.
Kumar S,
Ramani S,
et al.
Imaging of retained surgical items:...