EvaluationofanewUltrasound(US)technology,based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm, thatcorrelates and fusesMRI-prone withUS-supine BreastImaging (BI) examinations. In-vitroandin-vivotestswereperformed.
Methods and materials
Breast cancer represents the most common oncological disease for women and a multimodality approach, with a clinical exam and an advanced set of BI examinations, is mandatory as current medical standard.
MRI and Contrast-enhanced MRI (CE-MRI) play a central role in BI, due to their very high sensitivity. In addition, technology evolution over the recent years has made breast US an essential component of the BI evaluation. In current praxis, when lesions detected on MRI are not visible/equivocal on mammogram and/or are not identified by...
For in-vitro test, the mismatchonthereference amorphous lesion identified in prone MRI andtheonevisualizedinreal-time US, calculated between the real-time US probe position and the MRI set target,wasminimal (Fig.6). No further investigations or statistical analysis has been performed, since the phantom deformation is limited, compared to real tissue, therefore phantoms are not an adequate representative of the real breast organ deformation.
Forin-vivotests,2 different investigation scenarios were performed.
The first investigation was made to evaluate the BreastNav® feasibility and its AI algorithm performance on real patients. In a previous...
Integrated breast multimodal FI is starting to become possible, thanks to technology evolution.
BreastNavtechnologyisaimedtospeedupthedetectionand characterization oflesions,visibleonly onMRI, also onreal-time US, thankstotheFIbetweenthetwo differentBI modalities and to manage the deformation induced by patient’s different positions between US and MRI, within clinically acceptable localization errors.
Personal information and conflict of interest
S. D'onofrio; Esaote/IT - Author at Esaote SpA - Employee at Esaote SpA S. de Beni; Esaote/IT - Author at Esaote SpA - Employee at Esaote SpA M. Cereseto; Esaote/IT - Author at Esaote SpA - Employee at Esaote SpA A. Abate; Lesmo/IT - Author at ASST Monza R. Giovanazzi; Monza/IT - Author at ASST Monza R. Corso; Monza/IT - Author at ASST Monza A. Martegani; Como/IT - Author at Ospedale Valduce (Como, IT) C. Fachinetti; Como/IT - Author at Ospedale Valduce (Como, IT) G....
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