Learning objectives
At the end of this exhibit, the reader is expected to learn the following things:
To understand the key aspects of HIPAA and GDPR Compliance from radiology perspective.
To understand the key differences between these regulations
To know the best practice principles to be followed while handling and using medical data from radiology images
With the recent advances in deep learning and the boom of AI applications focussing on radiology, the medical imaging data has become a key resource for scientific progress. The large hospitals and imaging clinics have a plethora of such data, albeit unstructured but with accompanying clinical and other healthcare information. As much as it is crucial to use these data to build robust algorithms, it is also important to be careful of the critical privacy risks assocaited with sharing such data. In thsi back ground,...
Findings and procedure details
1. HIPAA Compliance
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the basic standards towards the protection of sensitive patient data. This rule applies to individuals or organizations that get health information in the course of normal health practices. The covered entities include Hospitals, Health Plans, and other Healthcare Providers like radiology centers, etc. Health Plans are organizations that provide medical care or at least pay for them such as insurers etc. This rule protects all personally identifiable information of a patient. This information includes...
Major regulations which set the rules to secure Patient Data has been discussed here. Also how to use imaging data for research and AI has also been discussed.
Personal information and conflict of interest
V. K. Venugopal; New Delhi/IN - Other at Research collaboration, General Electric Company Research collaboration, Koninklijke Philips NV Research collaboration, Qure.ai Research collaboration, Predible Health S. Gupta; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose S. Gaur; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose M. Barnwal; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose V. Mahajan; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose H. Mahajan; New Delhi/IN - Other at Director, Mahajan Imaging Pvt Ltd Research collaboration, General Electric Company Research collaboration, Koninklijke Philips NV Research collaboration, Qure.ai Research collaboration, Predible...
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3. GDPR and HIPAA Compliance: What are the Differences and How Can I Work Towards Compliance? https://www.fairwarning.com/insights/blog/gdpr-and-hipaa-compliance-what-are-the-differences-and-how-can-i-work-towards-compliance.
4. Chen, J. Q. & Benusa, A. HIPAA security compliance challenges: The case for small healthcare providers....