Breast, Mammography, Education, Multidisciplinary cancer care
E. Metsälä, K. Paalimäki-Paakki, J. Hoffren, J. Jorge, S. Kivistik, R. Lumme, L. Marmy, T. S. Schroderus-Salo, B. Strom
Five studies were quantitative quasi-experimental or cross sectional survey studies. Seven studies were at least partly qualitative, applying various types of qualitative methodologies. One stydy applied a mixed methods design. Seven main competencies needed in breast cancer therapeutic stage were found for radiation therapists: image acguisition and virtual simulation competences, radiation treatment planning competencies, treatment verification competencies, external beam treatment delivery, professional competencies, inter and intra professional communication competencies and extended or advanced competencies. Each of these consisted of from two to six subcompetencies. (Figure 3)
For nurses five main competencies to work at an optimal level in the breast cancer therapeutic phase were found: clinical nursing and intervention competence, caring competence, education and teaching competence, communication competence, management and leadership and teamwork competence. Each of these consisted of from two to seven subcompetencies. (Figure 4) However non of the included articles did mention competencies for the biomedical laboratory scientists’ and diagnostic radiographers’.