Breast, Mammography, Education, Multidisciplinary cancer care
E. Metsälä, K. Paalimäki-Paakki, J. Hoffren, J. Jorge, S. Kivistik, R. Lumme, L. Marmy, T. S. Schroderus-Salo, B. Strom
There are clearly identifiable competence areas by current studies for radiation therapists and nurses in breast cancer therapeutic phase. However, there are professional groups like biomedical laboratory scientists, nuclear medicine technologists and diagnostic radiographers that participate in breast cancer care and therapy, but the competences required are still unrecognized and undefined. However, recognizing these professionals and their competencies as a part of the breast cancer therapeutic pathway is important, in particular for the sake of continuity and seamlessness of care as well as for patient safety.
Limitations: Due to deficiency of good quality articles on the topic, it was only possible to define the competences required by therapy radiographers and nursing professionals. If we had also included existing competency descriptions, for example on behalf of EONS6 or EUSOMA, the results would have been quite different. Nevertheless, with this review we wanted to take the viewpoint of research evidence.