Learning objectives
A low-cost, custom-made, pseudo-anthropomorphic phantom was designed and fabricated to offer clinical practitioners a suitable tool to gain diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities in the use of ultrasound (US) imaging. The proposed phantom mimics the healthy lung parenchyma and pathologies of interest such as neoplasia, abscesses, pneumothorax, pneumonia, or pleural effusions.
The phantom structure consisted of a rectangular volume fabricated with a 10% mimicking the healthy parenchyma (Figure 1(A)). Pathologies of interest were reproduced as inclusions containing gaseous, liquid or solid materials. The solid inclusions were also replicated with PVA-C using 3D printed molds with spherical and irregular shapes (Figure 1(B) and 1(C)). The other inclusions were assembled creating a polydimethylsiloxane and cellulose as a bubble shape film. The gaseous inclusions were filled with air during the fabrication process, whereas the liquid ones were subsequently filled...
Findings and procedure details
Healthy and pathological tissues were mimicked displaying echoic properties similar to that of the intended soft tissues in the ultrasound images. Realistic speckle noise was observed in the US images acquired using a standard portable US system (MicrUS EXT-1H, Telemed UAB) as shown in Figure 2. The measured speed of sound for the fabricated phantons was within the limits of soft tissues reported in the literature as well as within the standards required by the Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA) [1]. The average speed of...
The presented phantom is dedicated to aid clinical practitioners to learn about thoracic pathologies in diagnostic US and practice US guided interventional thoracic procedures. Earlier and improved diagnosis are expected, besides faster and more precise therapeutic interventions. Thus, as a consequence, the number of invasive surgical procedures may be reduced as well as their associated costs.
Personal information and conflict of interest
A. B. Llanos Gonzalez:
Nothing to disclose
N. Arteaga Marrero:
Nothing to disclose
E. Villa:
Nothing to disclose
M. E. Gómez Gil:
Nothing to disclose
O. Acosta Fernández:
Nothing to disclose
J. B. Ruiz Alzola:
Nothing to disclose
J. González Fernández:
Nothing to disclose
1. Suga M, Usumura M, Kishimoto R, Mizoguchi T, Yamaguchi T, Obata T. Development of a viscoelastic phantom for ultrasound and mr elastography satisfying the QIBA acoustic specifications. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE. 2020; 1–3.
2. Villa E, Arteaga-Marrero N, González-Fernández J, Ruiz-Alzola J. Bimodal microwave and ultrasound phantoms for non-invasive clinical imaging. Science Reports 2020; 10(1):20401.