Learning objectives
To identify imaging features that are suggestive of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and its differential diagnosis.
To describe the pathophysiology of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is still a major public health problem in most countries and one of the leading causes of mortality, whose prevalence is increasing in recent years in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Although tuberculosis typically manifests with pulmonary disease, it can affect any other organ of the body.
Findings and procedure details
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) constitutes 15-20% of all TB cases. In the past years, the incidence has increased, particularly in patients with immune system disorders (AIDS, patients receiving chemotherapy, etc.) and those in other high-risk groups including people with diabetes.
Extrapulmonary TB can be challenging to diagnose as it can mimic many other diseases, so a biopsy is often required. It is important to be aware of the imaging findings, especially in high-risk patients, so we can find an early diagnosis and reduce complications.
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis remains a challenge to diagnose. Knowledge of the pathophysiology in each organ and its key imaging features is essential for an early and successful diagnosis.
Personal information and conflict of interest
I. Díaz Mediavilla:
Nothing to disclose
J. M. Asensi Miranda:
Nothing to disclose
U. Martinez Urabayen:
Nothing to disclose
M. Urizar Gorosarri:
Nothing to disclose
L. Antón:
Nothing to disclose
U. Oiartzabal Elorriaga:
Nothing to disclose
I. Aza Martínez:
Nothing to disclose
I. Alonso Sánchez:
Nothing to disclose
P. Rodriguez Ripalda:
Nothing to disclose
1. Rodriguez-Takeuchi, S. Y., Renjifo, M. E., & Medina, F. J. (2019). Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: pathophysiology and imaging findings.Radiographics,39(7), 2023-2037.https://doi.org/10.1148/rg.2019190109
2. Sanei Taheri, M., Karimi, M. A., Haghighatkhah, H., Pourghorban, R., Samadian, M., & Delavar Kasmaei, H. (2015). Central nervous system tuberculosis: an imaging-focused review of a reemerging disease.Radiology Research and Practice,2015. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/202806
3. Rocha, E. L. D., Pedrassa, B. C., Bormann, R. L., Kierszenbaum, M. L., Torres, L. R., & D’Ippolito, G. (2015). Abdominal tuberculosis: a radiological review with emphasis on computed tomography and magnetic...