Learning objectives
To identify the most significant technical issues that may cause false-positive diagnoses.
To develop an approach to reading pediatric chest x-ray images.
To familiarize the reader with the normal structures and the commonly encountered variants.
Chest X-ray (CXR) is the most frequently ordered radiological investigation in pediatric health facilities for an extensive range of indications; therefore, it is crucial for both the radiology and pediatric residents to acquire proficiency in interpreting pediatric chest x-rays following a comprehensive approach.
Findings and procedure details
Firstly, the importance of recognizing the impact of suboptimal technical factors (such as poor inspiration and rotation) in degrading the quality of the chest x-ray is illustrated, and how it may lead to misinterpretations. Then, an explanation of how to interpret a normal pediatric chest x-ray, comprising an analysis of ten structures, is demonstrated. Finally, an exhibit of the common variants and the unconventional appearance of normal structures on a pediatric chest x-ray are emphasized, which is especially relevant for those who are accustomed to...
Developing a systematic approach for the interpretation of pediatric chest x-rays is a fundamental milestone for the professional growth of Pediatric and Radiology residents.
Personal information and conflict of interest
I. A. Alhashimi:
Nothing to disclose
S. M. Elmistiri:
Nothing to disclose
A. F. Huneity:
Nothing to disclose
S. B. M. Zoghoul:
Nothing to disclose
A. Sadiq:
Nothing to disclose
S. Samaan:
Nothing to disclose
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