Educational Exhibit
Breast, Professional issues, Radiographers, Mammography, Education, Education and training
A. Devetti, S. Da Dalt, M. De Stefano, R. Fazzin, R. Girometti, C. Zuiani
Findings and procedure details
Third-year students attended the laboratory. Clinical placement guides in mammography have reported an increase in placement abilities after the lab's introduction, and students have indicated satisfaction with the training experience.
The students reacted highly on their laboratory experience. One of the laboratory's merits was the split into small groups, which allowed the tutor to devote adequate attention to each student.Following the tutor's technical demonstration of the method, every student were able to calmly test and even retry the different projections with the phantom. This will undoubtedly assist them to approach the mammography internship with a greater awareness.
In terms of laboratory time, some students indicated that it was adequate, while others would have like a few additional hours, possibly to watch "real" mammograms and evaluate the presence/absence of accuracy criteria in the latter.
Among the comments received from the cohort of students, we highlight:
"The laboratory was an excellent opportunity to connect the theoretical information acquired during the lectures with the more technical aspects of radiological breast medicine."
"I particularly appreciated the acquisition simulation part with the phantom which allowed me to better understand some concepts such as direct radiological magnification"
"It was certainly an educational experience but having the opportunity to also witness the positioning of a real patient allows you to observe the different management and positioning compared to the mannequin; inevitably it is not the same compared to a real patient, also due to of the silicone material which tends to be slippery."