Since diagnostic radiology is responsible for almost half of an individual’s average annual effective dose in Germany, it is important to track the usage of radiological procedures. This is especially true in children, which in general, are more radiosensitive than adults. In Germany, current data on the frequency of pediatric radiological examinations and the associated machine parameters are only available to a limited extent. The aims of this study are twofold: To collect current data representative of Germany on the relative frequency of individual X-ray...
Description of activity and work performed
For this purpose, pediatric hospitals, private practices and non-pediatric facilities with regular pediatric radiological examinations were identified nationwide. [1] Facilities were considered relevant when they carried out at least 20 applications of at least one specific radiological procedure per year for patients in the age range 0-16 years.
Based on a survey among heads of radiology departments and those responsible in relevant radiological practices, we identified relevant medical facilities for recruitment in the study. 78 institutions completed...
Conclusion and recommendations
Up-to-date data on the frequency of pediatric radiological examinations and the associated machine parameters were limited prior to the start of this study. Therefore, in a two-stage approach, it was necessary to first take stock of which studies may be relevant to the medical collective dose in terms of their frequency of implementation. The selection of studies for which technical scanner parameters have been collected should be re-assessed on a regular basis, and, if necessary, updated due to possible time trends in diagnostic radiology.
Personal/organisational information
P. Mildenberger; Mainz/DE - nothing to disclose R. Pokora; Mainz/DE - nothing to disclose A. Jahnen; Esch/Alzette/LU - nothing to disclose J. Hermen; Luxembourg/LU - nothing to disclose D. Wollschläger; Mainz/DE - nothing to disclose G. Stamm; Göttingen/DE - nothing to disclose G. Staatz; Mainz/DE - nothing to disclose
Pokora R, Wollschläger D, Stamm G, Jahnen A, Hermen J, Mildenberger P, Staatz G (2018) Erfassung der relativen Häufigkeiten und Strahlendosen von Röntgenanwendungen in der pädiatrischen Radiologie. Fortschr Röntgenstr. 190(10): 867.
European Commission. Europäische Leitlinien zur Schätzung der Populationsdosen aus medizinischen Röntgenverfahren. Report No. 154. 2008.
Célier D, Roch P, Etard C, Ducou Le Pointe H, Brisse HJ. Multicentre survey on patient dose in paediatric imaging and proposal for updated diagnostic reference levels for France. Part 1: Computed Tomography. Eur Radiol. 2019a; doi: 10.1007/s00330-019-06405-3