EuroSafe Imaging 2020
Performed at one institution, Experimental, Prospective, Quality assurance, Radiation safety, Contrast agent-oral, Barium meal, Fluoroscopy, Radiation physics, Paediatric, Contrast agents, Action 10 - EuroSafe Imaging Stars
S. Mobini kesheh, W. Ekström Vanrillaer, G. Kullström, U. M. H. Ullberg
Conclusion and recommendations
The mixtures of contrast medium Mixobar and Polibar respectively were tested and showed the same correlation compared to water and air with the use of the same organ program selection.
Dicom images were analyzed with the ImageJ software program (National Institute of Health, USA). The same size region of interest (ROI) was used to measure signal value to correlate it to the signal for water and air.
The phantom study showed about 20% signal reduction with the new contrast agent (figure 3,4). The fluoroscopy system has advanced automatic exposure control, but the results of this early investigation indicate that further optimization efforts are necessary despite that.
After ethical approval, we will continue with a retrospective patient study evaluating optimization. The study aims to adjust the system for obtaining high-quality examinations and diagnostics with appropriate image quality and the lowest possible radiation dose