The optimization of radiation doses in radiological exams and the rational request has been a relevant focus for patient safety. International campaigns recommendations suggest the implementation of justification, optimization and training of health professionals as successful strategies for radiological protection.
The innovation of this project was the use of protocols with integration of multi-specialty teams promoting greater safety for doctors and patients (multidisciplinary approach and patient-centered care).
Radioprotection campaing.
As low as reasonable as possible ALARA.
Rationalize unjustified exams.
OBJECTIVE:To implement radiation dose optimization and...
Description of activity and work performed
METHODOLOGY: This prospective quantitative educational study got Ethnical Committee approval and implemented the dose index registry (DIR ACR®) system, alignment and naming of tomography exams, protocol re-evaluation, personally training professional team, dose limits by Brazilian College of Radiology program (CBR), reduction in the number of CT phases, dose adjustment with quality measurements and validation by radiologists and medical physics. Choosing wisely recommendations were applied to the multi-professional staff. Exam request were reviewed before examination. Statistical monthly data analyses were done.40 technicians, 15 radiologists, 50 emergency...
Conclusion and recommendations
Audit and justificationof exams contribute to personalized use and staff training;monitoring promote team improvement.
Targeted protocols:improvement in patient quality and safety. Radiological examinations are safe to use.
Use of protocols from Choosing WiselyRenables the strengthening of security and increased knowledge.
Personally information plus virtual maintenanceenable doctors to be safe and adhere to the campaign.
Benefits:Patients and referring physicians and institutions, consciously utilizing protocols from medical societies specializing in international consensus.
Rationalizationof the use of emergency radiological examinations contributes to reduction patients radiation dose.
Personal/organisational information
1.Monica Oliveira Bernardo,MD PhD; Sorocaba, SP/BR - nothing to disclose
Faculty of Medicine. Pontificia University Catholic of Sao Paulo.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rua Alda Luchini Vial, 425, Sorocaba. São Paulo. Brazil
ZIP CODE: 18047 610.
RadiologyRepresentative. Miguel Soeiro Hospital.
2.Alair S. Sarmet,MD PhD; Niterói - Rio De Janeiro/BR - nothing to disclose
RadiologistFederal Fluminense University
President of Brazilian College of Radiology
3.Gustavo Ribeiro Neves,MD Me; Sorocaba/BR - nothing to disclose
Pediatrician. Miguel Soeiro Hospital Director.
4.Fernando Antonio Almeida,MD PhD; São Paulo/BR - nothing to disclose...
American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Jan 05]. Available from:
American College of Radiology. Dose Index Registry. [cited 2020 Jan 05]. Available from:
Bernardo MO, Almeida FA, Morgado F. Campanha e carteira de radioproteção: estratégias educativas que reduzem a exposição excessiva de crianças a exames radiológicos. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2017;35(2):178-84.
Bernardo MO, Rodrigues SLA, Santos AASMD, Almeida FA, Morgado F, Mittelstaedt Júnior MDO. Paediatric Radiological Protection Campaign in Brazil: a successful experience. In: ECR 2019. EPOS Electronic Presentation...