The main part of medical radiation exposure in radiologic diagnostics is caused by computed tomography (CT). Especially when performing abdominal CT, an increased risk of radiation exposure of the female breast exists, compared to other regions of the body. Radiation dose reduction requires specific expertise of equipment and examination techniques as well as specific knowledge of the patient’s anatomy and physiology. Mostly, no attention is given to radiation load of neighbouring areas.
Description of activity and work performed
The aim of this work is to determine possible radiation exposure of the female breast caused by abdominal CT compared to X-ray mammography. Furthermore our goal is to show ways to decrease respective dose levels. To reach these objectives special PMMA breast phantoms for adaption on a Rando-Alderson-Phantom were manufactured. With those PMMA phantoms and LiF-rods thermoluminescent dosimeters, dose measurements of the breast were performed. Three different standardized routine examination protocols, depending on different clinical questions, for abdomen-pelvis, liver and urinary tract CT examinations were...
Conclusion and recommendations
The measurements showed that for the abdominal-pelvis protocol the mean organ dose load of the breast can reach up to 350 μGy (50% of breast were in the scan area). By positioning the breast as far as possible outside the scanned area, dose could be reduced by 85%. If half of the breast was inside the scanned area at a liver examination, a mean organ dose of 1400 µGy was determined. By using X-CARE, a special form of tube current modulation, and applying coverings containing...
Personal/organisational information
M. Fuchsjäger; Graz/AT - nothing to disclose A. Taflinski; Graz/AT - nothing to disclose G. Stücklschweiger; Graz/AT - nothing to disclose H. Guss; Graz/AT - nothing to disclose
Strahlenschutzverordnung BGBL.II Nr. 375/2017
Richtlinie für die technische Prüfung von Röntgeneinrichtungen und genehmigungsbedürftigen Störstrahlern, Richtlinie für Sachverständi-genprüfungen nachRöV, 2009 375/2017
Österreichische Röntgengesellschaft, Gesellschaft für Medizinische Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin