EuroSafe Imaging 2020
Action 2 - Clinical diagnostic reference levels (DRLs), Breast, CT, Mammography, Radiation safety, Quality assurance, Not applicable, Experimental, Performed at one institution
A. Taflinski, H. Guss, M. Fuchsjäger, G. Stuecklschweiger
Conclusion and recommendations
The measurements showed that for the abdominal-pelvis protocol the mean organ dose load of the breast can reach up to 350 μGy (50% of breast were in the scan area). By positioning the breast as far as possible outside the scanned area, dose could be reduced by 85%. If half of the breast was inside the scanned area at a liver examination, a mean organ dose of 1400 µGy was determined. By using X-CARE, a special form of tube current modulation, and applying coverings containing bismuth, an average dose reduction by approximately
32 % could be achieved. Due to the fact that the breast is out of the scanned area when checking the urinary tract a significant lower mean organ dose of 70 µGy was measured. Using lead aprons to cover the breast, the dose decreased to 40 µGy.
Finally, the determined organ doses were compared to the Austrian DRL for mean glandular breast dose (50 mm PMMA) for X-ray mammography. Our results show that the mean breast-organ doses for the used abdominal-pelvic, liver and urinary tract CT-protocols without and with optimization are 14%, 56% and 3% versus 12%, 38% and 2% above the respective Austrian national DRL.