EuroSafe Imaging 2020
Action 4 - Dose management systems, Radioprotection / Radiation dose, Digital radiography, Comparative studies, Quality assurance, Prospective, Diagnostic or prognostic study, Performed at one institution
M. Wurm, S. Tschauner, E. Sorantin
Conclusion and recommendations
Preliminary results show a very good correlation of morphometric data of pediatric patients with patient weight. Especially thorax circumference, measured in thoraco-abdominal transition, could be an easy-to-use surrogate parameter for patient weight.
Furthermore, thorax circumference could prove to be a more accurate parameter in direct comparison to patient weight, taking into account the huge diversity of body constitution, especially in infants and toddlers.
Adjusting the amount of needed contrast agent in children by using thoracic circumference rather than patient weight could also reduce contrast material usage and patient dose as well.
Further studies have to be performed to show unvaried image quality is secured when contrast agent and patient dose will be reduced further. Data presented is preliminary data, further investigation and analysis have to be performed.