The Swedish national quality assurance project for radiological equipment has the aim to facilitate understanding of manufacturer specific tests performed during installation of equipment and maintenance work. Furthermore, the project has a stated goal that the accumulated knowledge is directed towards a national implementation of manufacturer methods for quality assurance in healthcare quality management systems (QMS).
A national task group (TG) of medical physicists and medical engineers was assembled in 2017 with members from all public and major private healthcare providers in Sweden. The TG...
Description of activity and work performed
The project is managed via a steering committee with representatives from all healthcare providers involved. The steering committee holds open meetings twice per year, at the Swedish Radiology Conference (Röntgenveckan) and the annual Swedish Medical Physicist Meeting (Nationellt möte om sjukhusfysik). At these open meetings, manufacturer representatives, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority and medical physics colleagues from other disciplines attend and contribute. The steering committee assigned a project manager to deliver the project and the work was structured into six main work packages (fig. 1),...
Conclusion and recommendations
The TG has presently completed approximately 50% of the review of all equipment investigated in the project. An immediate result was an improvement in how medical physicists could understand and adopt the methods employed by manufacturers. Furthermore, the study of IEC standards has given important insight into how quality management of equipment is regulated and performed at the most fundamental level.
It was found by the TG that manufacturer QC methods, governed by IEC standards, comprise a robust set of tests, which are comparable or...
Personal/organisational information
H. Sundström; Östersund/SE - nothing to disclose J. Sjöberg; Stockholm/SE - nothing to disclose J. S. Andersson; Umeå/SE - Founder at Dicom Port