Justification of medical exposures should be fully implemented, especially for computed tomography (CT) examinations where radiation doses are relatively high. This is of particular concern for paediatric patients since they are more radiosensitive than adults. The purpose of this study was to investigate the unjustified paediatric CT exams in a tertiary Greek hospital.
Description of activity and work performed
Three radiologists retrospectively reviewed and evaluated the justification of CT exams on children based on the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria ® and medical expertise. Patient data (age, symptoms, referring clinic) and diagnostic outcome (positive, ie when there were findings related to the symptoms stated/negative, ie when there were no findings or the ones found were irrelevant to the symptoms or the purpose of the ct examinaion) were recorded and statistically analyzed.
Two hundred forty three paediatric CT exams were analyzed. One hundred...
Conclusion and recommendations
The percentage of the unjustified CT exams was 13%. Notable decrease could be achieved, especially for the teenagers, if paediatricians, especially paediatric surgeons, were more cautious when referring for a CT examination, head and spinal cord in particular.
Personal/organisational information
V. V. Georgopoulou; Thessaloniki/GR - nothing to disclose A. Anastasiou; Thessaloniki/GR - nothing to disclose M. Sidiropoulou; Thessaloniki/GR - nothing to disclose E. Papageorgiou; Thessaloniki/GR - nothing to disclose S. Papadopoulos; Thessaloniki/GR - nothing to disclose
ACR Appropriateness Criteria
H Oikarinen, S Merilainen, E Paakko etc, Unjustified CT examinations in young patients, Eur Radiol (2009) 19:1161-1165
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J Malone, R Guleria, C Craven etc, Justification of diagnostic medical exposures: some practical issues. Report of an International Atomic Energy Agency Consultation, The British Journal of Radiology,...