Ultrasonography is a technique widely considered to be without adverse biological effects, which has lead to the perception of ultrasound as a completely innocuous technology(1-3). However, different bioeffects exist which have been classified into “thermal effects” and “non-thermal effects”(4). In order to minimize these bioeffects, the manufacturers must comply with the TRACK 3 standard(5), and the equipment must present visual information on the Thermal Index (TI) and Mechanical Index (MI) values through the Output Display Standard (ODS). Although not perfect, these are accepted as sensitive...
Methods and materials
An anonymous questionnaire was designed for the different type of healthcare professionals currently using ultrasound in their clinical practice.For the survey the Google platform was used in addition to the “Forms” application. Various Spanish scientific societies collaborated in the study.The surveys were completed between December 2018 and March 2019.
The questionnaire comprised of three sections.The first section included questions on professional career and years experience in ultrasonography.The second section comprised questions relating to knowledge on the biological effects of ultrasound and ODS indicators.Finally, the third...
A total of 488 valid responses were collected from the different professionals that were classified as “Radiological Team” (n=274; 56.1%) and “Non-Radiological Team” (n=214; 43.9%).The first group included Radiologists (n=166; 34%) and Radiographers (n=108; 22.1%).The second group comprised Physiotherapists (n=105; 21.5%), Family Physicians (n=24; 4.91%), Gynaecologists (n=15; 3.1%), Other medical specialties (including Neurologists, Intensivists, Rehabilitation, Pulmonologists, Sports Medicine, Vascular, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiologists)(n=40; 8.2%), as well as Other healthcare professionals (including Nurses and Podologists)(n=18; 3.7%) (Table III).
A total of 249 participants had more than...
The results obtained in this study are similar to those observed by Backleyet alin 2011(3), where less than 70% of ultrasound operators forming part of the Radiology departments where aware of the bioeffects and ODS indices.
We the authors agree with the review by Nyborg in 2001(9), and consider essential that all ultrasound operators know the bioeffects associated and the risks derived from each imaging mode.This knowledge should result in adequate decision-making when considering the risks vs benefits, especially since the implementation of TRACK 3...
Personal information and conflict of interest
J. Alvarez Gonzalez; Madrid/ES - nothing to disclose R. Zanfaño Hidalgo; Madrid/ES - nothing to disclose M. Rodriguez Aragón; Madrid/ES - nothing to disclose D. Monge Martín; Madrid/ES - nothing to disclose
Barnett SB. Biophysical aspects of diagnostic ultrasound. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2000;26(00):68–70.
Sheiner E, Shoham-Vardi I, Abramowicz JS. What do clinical users know regarding safety of ultrasound during pregnancy? J Ultrasound Med. 2007;26(3):319–25.
Bagley J, Thomas K, Digiacinto D. Safety practices of sonographers and their knowledge of the biologic effects of sonography. J Diagnostic Med Sonogr. 2011;27(6):252–61.
Ter Haar G. The Safe Use of Ultrasound in Medical Diagnosis. B Inst Rad. 2012. 1–166.
U.S Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff Information for...