The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the bone mineral density of the calcaneus by ultrasound and to correlate the values obtained with height, weight and lifestyle in females over 40 years old.
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease characterized by decreased bone mass, deterioration of microarchitecture and compromised bone strength, with increased risk of fractures.
Bone densitometry is the gold standard for diagnosing osteoporosis, predicting fracture risk, indicating initiation of treatment and monitoring it, however, is not the only predictor of fractures....
Methods and materials
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) was measured in 44 women (between 40 and 84 years old) using the Sahara Clinical Bone Sonometer equipment.
This equipment allows measuring the speed of sound (m / s), the attenuation of a broadband ultrasound beam (dB / MHz) and then, by combining the obtained values it is possible to obtain the Quantitative Ultrasound Index. The ultrasonic index is expressed as T-Score, thus giving an estimate of calcaneal bone mineral density in g / cm2.
Anthropometric data were obtained with a...
Regarding the ages of the study population, the minimum and maximum value we obtained was, respectively, 40 years (minimum) and 84 years (maximum). It is noteworthy that the study was performed for people over 40 years old due to the decrease in bone mineral density from that age. The age group with the largest number of elements corresponded to the age range between 60 and 69 years (31.8%), followed by 29.5% of respondents aged between 70 and 79 years.
To divide the BMI into tiers,...
Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is an advantage for individuals in altering and improving lifestyles and preventing BMD decline.
This equipment and / or similar may be used as a general bone health screening tool in local communities.
As future recommendations, it is suggested that studies be conducted with larger samples and it would also be of interest to compare the bone mineral density of people practicing different sports.
Personal information and conflict of interest
Luís Ribeiro (PhD), Professor in the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Department, Health School - University of Algarve, Portugal.Researcher in CIDAF – University of Coimbra (Centro de Investigação do Desporto e da Atividade Física) and Member of Studies Center in Healthcare (CES-ESSUALG). Email:
[email protected]
Bárbara Anjos (BSc), Collaborator in the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Department, Health School - University of Algarve, Portugal.
Rui Almeida (MSc), Professor in the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Department, Health School - University of Algarve, Portugal.Researcher in CICS.NOVA.UÉvora (Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences)and...
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