Learning objectives
The learning objectives of this exhibit are:
1. To know the different open- source Dicom viewers for different platforms(mobile, desktop and tablets)
2. To discuss the pros and cons of these viewers and identify the viewer with the most diverse features for each platform
There are a lot of Dicom viewers in the market and also available free (open source) online. They have different types of User Interfaces, features, etc. Most of them can be used as a miniPACS as well. They are compatible with Windows, MAC OSX, Android, IOS, and even with Web Browsers. As it might be difficult for an average radiologist, we hope to help in identifying the Dicom viewer most suited for his needs.
Findings and procedure details
The easily accessible and user-friendly viewers across different hardware platforms are as enumerated below:
Desktop application
1. Microdicom Viewer (Free)-Itis equipped with the most common tools for viewing the DICOM images. It is free and accessible for everyone but non-commercial use only. It supports Dicom images without any compression and also with JPEG Lossy, Lossless, etc. It also opens images in jpeg, png, tiff, etc. Drag and drop of studies can also be done to view. Encapsulated PDF's and structured reports are supported. This viewer...
We discuss the pros and cons of the different DICOM viewers in this poster.
Personal information and conflict of interest
V. K. Venugopal; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose C. Kapoor; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose S. Gupta; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose V. Mahajan; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose H. Mahajan; New Delhi/IN - nothing to disclose
1.5 Best Free DICOM Viewers & PACS Clients for Android Phones & Tablets. Medevel: Medical/ Open source Software Reviews https://medevel.com/free-dicom-viewers-for-android/ (2019).
2.15 Best Open source Browser & Web-based DICOM Viewers. https://medevel.com/14-best-browser-web-based-dicom-viewers-projects/.
3.Haak, D., Page, C.-E. & Deserno, T. M. A Survey of DICOM Viewer Software to Integrate Clinical Research and Medical Imaging. J Digit Imaging 29, 206–215 (2016).
4.Brühschwein, A. et al. Free DICOM-Viewers for Veterinary Medicine : Survey and Comparison of Functionality and User-Friendliness of Medical Imaging PACS-DICOM-Viewer Freeware for Specific Use in Veterinary...