Asthma is a heterogeneous desease, that affectchildren, adolescents and young adults and can rarely be diagnosed at older ages. Characterized by a chronic airway inflammation in thebronchi that consequently leads to reversible airflow obstruction.
Asthma can be classified by levels according to its severity, as mild, moderate and severe in the Global Initiative for Asthma.
This study aimed to evaluate diaphragmatic excursion and thickness in asthmatic and healthy people in order to understand the differences in diaphragm structure and mobility with access to Ultrasound (US)...
Methods and materials
12 asthmatic and 28 healthy volunteers,were included in this study. B-Mode US of the diaphragm was performed using a linear (12 MHz) probe.
Right diaphragm thickness (DT) at expiration (DTexp), at maximal inspiration (DTmax insp) and at residual expiration (DTres) was obtained with a linear probe.
M-mode US with a convex probe (5,2 MHz) was used to measure diaphragm excursion (DE) during normal breathing (DENB) and at maximal inspiration (DEmax insp). Prone positionwith probe sucostal with 25° to 30° cranial angulation, sinusoidal wave that increases...
Forty participants were evaluated, of which 28 were from the control group and 12 from the experimental group (asthmatics), no differences between the sample.
No significant differences were found between groups but the results shows that the diaphragm thickness presents higher values in the asthmatics individuals.
In relation to the diaphragmatic excursion in both moments, normal breathing and maximal inspiration the volunteers present more higher values.
Differences in the diaphragm thickness were observed who did sports.
No correlation between age, BMI and US measures (DTesp,...
Although there are not differences between groups, the asthmatic group presents lower values in diaphragm excursion with exception for the asthmatics that practice any kind of sport.
For these individuals the values are close to those presented by the healthy volunteers.
About this investigations no many information exist in the evaluations between asthmatic and healthy individuals. The evaluations that exist is in the interstitial lung disease or in thechronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
About US is a reliable easy to use imaging modality and prone...
Personal information and conflict of interest
A. A. André; Coimbra/PT - nothing to disclose A. Sebastião; Coimbra/PT - nothing to disclose J. P. Figueiredo; Coimbra/PT - nothing to disclose P. M. Martins; Aveiro/PT - nothing to disclose
Approved by the ethics committees of Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra: number 34/2019
No funding was obtained for this study
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