The exposure to ionizing radiation caused by medical imaging is non-negligibleIt is therefore imperative, from a public health perspective, to minimize this exposure and to have a better understanding of its biological effects. The MEDIRAD[i] project, funded by the EURATOM[ii] program, targets multiple factors relevant to low dose radiation caused by medical imaging modalities using an approach that combines many foundational aspects of imaging (physics, biology, epidemiology, image quality). This project includes several experimental tasks during which images will be acquired using different radiological and...
Description of activity and work performed
The specificity of our project is : 1) all data will be managed in an integrated environment; 2) the developed platform will be designed in such a way that it will be reusable by other projects with similar needs in different environments; 3) the platform will facilitate the re-use of data for future needs in a way that conforms with the concept of Biobanks[i] and F.A.I.R. Data Principles[ii].
Two distinct types of data must be managed:
Data produced directly by the medical imaging hardware such...
Conclusion and recommendations
IRDBB was implemented and made available for use by members of the MEDIRAD project starting in early 2020. DICOM images will be imported as they are acquired and will be immediately available to all MEDIRAD teams working on absorbed radiation dose estimations. The import of non-DICOM data was subsequently developed and made available to MEDIRAD teams to host and share specific dosimetric related data and analysis results. This feature should also allow to import dosimetric data to IRDBB, both as voxel-based volumetric data, and as...
Personal/organisational information
J. C. Spaltenstein; Geneva/CH - nothing to disclose N. Roduit; Geneva/CH - nothing to disclose N. van Dooren; Geneva/CH - nothing to disclose M. Brenet; Rennes/FR - nothing to disclose G. Pasquier; Rennes/FR - nothing to disclose B. Gibaud; Rennes/FR - nothing to disclose O. Ratib; Geneva/CH - nothing to disclose P. Mildenberger; Mainz/DE - nothing to disclose G. Pasquier; Geneva/CH - nothing to disclose
1.Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016) DOI 10.1038/sdata.2016.18