Obtaining new data concerning the peristaltism and the stagnation of a substance of contrast,
in various digestive segments of the pigeon.
Methods and Materials
Methods and materials
- 6 pigeons
- One classical radiographical post
- Barium sulphate solution [administred through an oral sondage and an enema]
- for the radiological investigation of the esophagus and of the glandular and muscular stomach,
the exposure was made immediately after the administration of the barium sulphate solution;
-for the radiological investigation of the ingluvial area,
repeated administration of the barium solution was necessary at each 3 or 4 minutes;
-for the radiologic investigation of the intestine,
the exposure was made after...
Our studies have shown that the barium sulphate solution that was administred to the pigeons (found in a light estate of stress,
because of the handling) passes too quickly through the glandular and the mechanic stomach,
which cause this area to remain unmarked,
from a radiologic point of view.
we thought of delaying the peristaltism using an anesthetic – in one of the cases,
we administred Ketamine in a dose of 2 mg/100 g of body weight,
after which we proceeded with the radiologic...
Our studies have shown that the barium sulphate solution,
that was administred using a oral sondage passes through the stomach very rapidly,
making this area unmarked from a radiologic point of view.
For the radiologic examination of the ingluvia,
the administration of the solution must be repeated,
which leads to the extention of the gizzard,
causing the emergence of two lateral equal and symmetrical compartments.
The crop area appears very well individualized.
The two cecums of the pigeon,
which are rudimentary can also be observed,...
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Semiologie specială,
Editura Tehnopress,
244 pg,
ISBN 973-702-023-5